Sunday, 30 May 2010

Recipe shout-out: Bakerella

For this week's recipe shout-out I have wandered over to the beautiful site of Bakerella. So much of her stuff not only looks delicious but also so darn pretty. My goal was to try her recipe for Cake Pops. It's not so much a recipe as much as seriously good instructions... check them out (along with some of the excellent examples of Cake Pops).

While 90% of this recipe was E-A-S-Y, I seriously struggled with the choc coating. I had imagined it would be like dipping Christmas truffles, but something wasn't working the way I think it probably should have been. Maybe it was using a choc product that I am not familiar with, but I couldn't get the coating to be a runny enough consistency to 'dip'. So instead... I smeared. The result is no where near as pretty, nor can I see it having potential to do further decoration (check out some of Bakerella readers' attempts!) without some serious practicing and rethinking of technique.

That said... they taste fantastic. Ladies, these ones are coming into work tomorrow!

