Sunday, 30 May 2010

May is coming to a close!

I can't believe we are at the end of the month already! May has flown by! We are almost fully into summer time and I can't wait! This month we have had a lot of parties - birthdays, graduations and just some good old fashioned fun with friends BBQ'ing! There are a lot of things happening to close out the month too so I thought I better make a quick post:

Our May giveaway ends tomorrow at 10pm PST! If you haven't entered, now is the time! Also, don't forget you get 5 bonus entries just for grabbing my new button!

The rebate Bonny was offering is ending tomorrow - purchase any Bonny wedding gown in the month of May and you get $50 back from the manufacturer! So, if you ordered one don't forget to print the official rebate form here!

