Tuesday, 22 September 2009

ICU wedding

I couldn't get through this story without getting a little teary, so get out your tissues...

Janette Villalobos and Michael Arroyo had an urgent need to get married quickly - Michael is in the Navy and scheduled to ship to Afghanistan next month. They planned a backyard wedding and BBQ, but changed plans when they realized that Janette's father Johnny wouldn't be able to attend. Johnny is in the ICU at UCLA Medical Center waiting for a liver transplant.

Since Johnny's health is so fragile, everyone had to wear hospital gowns, masks, and gloves. Real flowers were not allowed so the bride carried faux flowers and the men had boutonnières cut from construction paper.

From Dad: "My daughter means the world to me...She's funny and smart and beautiful. Mike is the right one for her. I hope her life will be as blessed as she has made mine...Today I'm the proudest dad in the world."

This picture is like a vice-grip to my heart. Look at the Dad's face, and his little paper flowers.

The bride wore two gowns

I love military uniforms - so cute

When Michael returns from duty in 18 months the couple hopes to have a bigger, more traditional wedding, and Janette hopes her father will walk her down the aisle.

Me too, Janette! Good luck to all of you.


From the LA Times

