Monday, 28 April 2008

What To Do With A Once-worn Bridesmaid Dress

The wedding is over and now you are stuck with yet another bridesmaid dress hanging in your closet, never to be worn or seen again. Believe it or not, there are future possibilities with your former bridesmaid dress. Here’s how to bring it into recovery.

Sell it

If you spent a mint on it and need to recover some of the costs, try selling it on a website like E-bay. Or, you could also bring it to a local consignment shop. Usually, it is fair to ask for about half of what you paid for it originally.

Wear it

If the color is halfway decent, it can be pretty simple to adjust the style to suit your tastes. Maybe take up the length, or take off the sleeves. Having it altered to your liking can make this dress wearable again.

Use it

When you tried the dress on, did you think, “Gee, this looks like my sofa”? Or worse—your grandmother’s sofa! If so, why not use the fabric for throw pillows or curtains to add some color to your house.

Commemorate it

If you are stuck with old bridesmaid dresses, it’s likely many of your friends are, too. Have a party and make it a requirement that everyone wear their worst-ever bridesmaid dress. If you are really daring, you could rent a limo bus and take your entourage out on the town for an evening of laughs.

Save it

Do you have a young cousin, niece, daughter, etc. that likes to play “dress-up”? If so, that pink, puffy gown could be the dress of her dreams. Pass it onto her to ensure many more uses of the dress.

Offer it

If you are feeling generous, donate the gown to Goodwill or another place in your neighborhood that takes clothing donations.

Toss it

If the dress is so terribly horrendous that you can’t bare to be seen with it again, and you can’t sell it, wear it, use it, commemorate it, save it, or offer it, your only option is to toss it and be done with it!

