Monday, 28 April 2008

Be The Perfect Personal Attendant!

Many people don’t realize how important the personal attendant’s job is. You are the one who pulls together all of the details to make the bride’s special day go off without a hitch! Here are some tips to help you be a perfect personal attendant.

Determine your involvement

Will you be helping the bride on the wedding day only? Or, will you be involved in planning showers and other pre-wedding parties? Talk with the bride and discuss your availability with her. Agree on what you will and won’t be helping with.

Pre-wedding—Helping the bride

If you would like to be involved throughout the planning process:

· Talk to the bridesmaids and see if they need help throwing showers or a bachelorette party

· See if the bride needs help shopping for anything, or could use extra help getting the invitations ready to go.

· Find out what activities the bride would like you to attend. Perhaps she’d like you to be there for everything—the shower, the bachelorette party, the bridal luncheon and the rehearsal dinner.

For the Wedding Day

· Think of things the bride and the wedding party might need that they won’t have time to get for themselves. For example, bring along some bottled water and snacks. They may get hungry!

· Bring a sewing kit and an extra pair of men’s black socks. (At least one groomsman will forget his socks!) See the “emergency” items checklist on this website to get some more ideas of items you can have handy for the wedding party.

· Get a “wedding day schedule” from the bride so you know where she is supposed to be at all times. She will probably not want to keep track of time herself and may forget that she needs to take pictures at 1:00!

· Help the bride get dressed, go to the restroom, and be available for whatever she needs to be ready to walk down the aisle.

· Be the lookout. If you need to get the bride out of the dressing room and she doesn’t want to see the groom, make sure and check around the corner to make sure he is nowhere in site!

· Stick to the bride like glue. If you are with her, she doesn’t have to go looking for you if she needs something.

After the ceremony

· Make sure the guests get their bubbles or birdseed as they leave the ceremony site.

· Do a walk-thru of the ceremony site. Make sure and grab anything that was left behind in the dressing rooms or throughout the ceremony site and bring it to the reception site.

· Don’t forget to bring the guest book from the ceremony site to the reception site.

· Hang out for a while and make sure everyone has correct directions and/or a ride to the reception.

After you arrive at the reception site, make sure the bride doesn’t need anything else from you (except maybe some help in the restroom throughout the evening), and enjoy the night!

