Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Tips For A Guilt-free Bachelor Party

There is a special day in a guy’s life when he goes out and celebrates the end of one period of his life and the beginning of a new one. This day is set aside to go out and enjoy one last night with the boys before becoming a man.

This is not his 18th birthday — this is his bachelor party.

A bachelor party is a day to share with your friends — the rite of passage from "singlehood" to married life. On this day, your friends share in the experience and go to great lengths to surprise you, inebriate you, embarrass you, and in other words, show their true friendship to you. The bond is strong between husband and wife, but so is the bond between man and his friends.

There are many customary traditions that men practice for bachelor parties, some which cannot be described on paper. Yet there are ways to enjoy this occasion without planning activities that need to be explained in the morning.

The venue

First, you need a place to hold the event. Try a friend’s house or rent a hall. A friend’s house can be the meeting place where everyone can gather.

Unless you are planning to keep the entertainment in a hall for the majority of the night, it would be a better idea to meet at a friend’s house or at a pub.

The transportation

Secondly, you want to determine a mode of transportation prior to the day. Renting a limousine or a van are two good ideas. Make sure you have a designated driver, if you are renting a van. This will not only keep everyone safe but also keeps everyone together while saving time meeting people at different places and times.

This idea saves money on renting a hall and keeps everyone together. This way, you can hit many hot spots during the course of the evening.

Gamblin’ man

Not only are pubs a popular bachelor destination, but so are casinos.

Most casinos have a restaurant area, shopping, and a hotel, which make them popular destinations. Although entrance lines can be long, so this one-stop hot spot can be your ticket to an exciting evening.

Whether it’s gathering in a friend’s living room, going out to the pubs, or gambling a few bucks at a casino, the point of this day to cherish your friendship before you embark on a journey of marriage.

