Friday 11 March 2011

The FbyHe Guide to Building a Better Blog...

He took the time out to help make all of you better bloggers. Lets call this the He's guide to building, maintaining and growing a fashion blog. It is not a perfect list, should probably charge for this type of information, but because He loves you and you love He, let's call that enough for now. You can find updated information and more tips to come in the "How To" section of the blog.

  1. Pick a Template – Keep it simple, to many colors and designs can be distracting to the readera. Tips for blogger resizing in blogger: Design-> Edit Html--> Search for #header-wrapper
  • Make width:775px;

#outer-wrapper {
width: 850px;
#main-wrapper {
width: 550px;
#sidebar-wrapper {
width: 220px;

  1. Add Gadgets to your site –About Me, Followers, Archive RSS Feed, Search this Blog
  2. Join BlogLovin – Add Widget to your sidebar

  1. Followers – Name your followers – Make the readers feel more attached to your blog
  2. Join - join and post outfits, it’ll take a while to start seeing followers, but they will come. Post outfits at 2pm. Post a Lookbook widget on your blog
  3. HeartIFB – Independent Fashion Blogger Network – Join, add some people as friends
  4. 20 something bloggers, Fashion Industry Network – Join, add some people as friends
  5. Stylecaster/StyledOn – Join, post some outfits, be active
  6. Leave comments on other blogs, its a huge HUGE pain in the ass but people usually come back and comment on your blog
  7. Join Twitter – Post a Follow me on Twitter button in sidebar, be active, tweet at people, connect all social networks, but most importantly it is the interaction with others to grow fan base
  8. Create a Facebook Fan Page – Invite all your Facebook friends to become fans of you and your blog. Ask your friends to invite their friends. Add a link on sidebar.
  9. Adsense – It is great that you want to make money, but with adsense you are not going to make a lot unless you have a lot of ads posted throughout the site. Having a lot of ads throughout the site as you start to build a readership is going to be a turnoff. Keep ads to a minimum.
  10. Affliate sales – you can place ads on your website, you will only make money if a reader clicks the ad, and then makes a purchase on that ads website.
  11. Get featured – email magazines, websites, etc with an email asking them to consider you for their next feature, include a link to your website.

See More details in the "How To" section of the blog. Check back for updates and tips.
