Monday, 11 April 2011

Heartsy: An Etsy Daily Deal Site

I'm sure by now most of you are familiar with Groupon and Living Social and have fallen in love.  I know I have!

Well, now there's a new daily deal site out called Heartsy.  Heartsy offers deep discounts on certain etsy stores.  Currently, most of the offers are for around 60% off the actual price of the item.

Here are a couple of the items from the stores that are currently being featured on Heartsy:

One of the coolest features of Heartsy is that you can vote for the next deals that they offer.  They have a list of items/shops and you can go through and tell them whether you would buy that deal or not.

If you're as addicted to Etsy as me, this site could definitely be dangerous!

This post contains invitation links for my accounts on Groupon, Living Social, and Heartsy.  If you sign up through my link and purchase a deal, I receive credit on those sites.  If you sign up through my Living Social link, we both get $5 credit on the site!

