Friday, 11 March 2011

Where Did All The G-Strings Go?

A while ago Cosmo wrote an article proclaiming that the "Thong is Dead"! He was outraged, He wrote a post saying that the thong was alive and well. Today He writes to report a cry for help. The thong is not dead, but it has taken on an alternate shape. The transition started just about the time Hanky Panky became popular. Somewhere around this time, girls decided that they could wear only Hanky Panky and not have to worry about anything else. The boy short also became increasingly popular during this same time. NOW: before you get the wrong idea, He is a fan of both the boy short and the Hanky Panky, BUT you ladies are forgetting your old friend the G-String, T-Bar, or V-String (if you buy from VS). There has no question been a drop off in everyone's old friend, and He isn't happy. It was such a simple garment, small compact, sexy as hell. HE is here to remind the woman of the ArmHe and the women of the world, dig back into your underwear drawers and bring back the G-Strings!


