Saturday, 5 March 2011

TLC's Four Weddings- Casting!

I got an e-mail from TLC's four weddings that they are casting for weddings between March and June so I thought I'd share that with you guys in case anyone was interested! Here are the details for you:

" We're looking for unique weddings and traditional/conservative weddings. Whether you're the first of your friends to exchange vows, or your grandchildren are serving as your ring-bearers, we want to hear from you! We feature four lucky brides per episode who get to show America how to put on a truly fabulous wedding, attend each other's weddings and (drum-roll please) one of the four WINS AN ALL-EXPENSE PAID FIVE STAR HONEYMOON! 

We are casting RIGHT NOW so please email us ASAP:
  • All weddings MUST take place within one hour of NYC, Chicago or Miami
  • All weddings welcome: No wedding is too big or too small!
  • Destination weddings are not eligible"
So go ahead, go enter!  You guys have sent me some awesome ideas for inspiration boards and I would love to see them on the show!!

