My longtime dream has been to have a June wedding. I love it that my maternal grandmother Grandma Cleva was a June bride, marrying the love of her life, my Grandpa A.D. on June 5, 1948. That has made the month of June even more endeared to me. Craig ended up proposing to me in July and at first the thought of waiting nearly a year to marry him seemed almost unbearable, so we began looking at dates in April.
I never forgot my dream to be a June bride (and a special song that goes with that distinction). It became clear as time drew closer for us to meet with our minister who will perform the ceremony, Pastor Jay, about setting our wedding date, that I wanted to stay true to my wish to be a June bride. Next came selecting the day. I love Saturday weddings, so that was a given. Granma and Granpa’s wedding date of June 5, so endeared to me, falls on a Sunday, making the day before their anniversary June 4, on a Saturday. With that distinction in mind, Craig and I choose Saturday, June 4, 2011 as our wedding date. The fact that our wedding date will be right next to theirs is so special to us both.