Thursday, 10 March 2011

Pasties Not Pastries...

He has always been a NO Bra supporter. With the rise of the one piece (body suits) and wearing no bra becoming more and more acceptable, maybe its time to spice up your nips. He can understand not wanting to have a wardrobe accident and your entire boob popping out, but maybe what you need lays within in this post. Pasties! You do not see them worn often, but they have been done. Many girls these days are wearing BodySuits with lace bras or normal bras underneath. NEWSFLASH: it looks terrible. What you need to do is start sporting a pasty underneath instead. He found this random company on the internet, has never heard of them before, they gave He nothing, but they seem to have a huge variety of pasties: Bistols 6. Many different shapes, designs and patterns/prints. Definitely an awesome way to add some awesomeness to an outfit. And YES this is a He Approved Look. Do the ladies of the ArmHe sport pasties? Vote below!

