Tuesday, 8 March 2011

HottHe of the Week...Girls of RugbyRL

Meet the Girls of Rugby Ralph Lauren. This is kind of a HUGE HottHe of the Week for Fashion by He. First time teaming up with a major player. Honestly, the only reason He decided to feature the Rugby RL girls is because He works close by to the NYC location and there are HottHe's all over that joint. Not even a joke, every girl that works there is stylin and hot. Anyway Rugby RL is Preppy. Preppy isn't out of style, these chicks look ridiculously amazing. Check out Rugby RL.

P.S. He has been working tirelessly on the coolest BEST FEATURE EVER! Click A Picture and a slideshow of all the HottHe's from this week will appear. How F*cking Cool!!!! This way He doesn't have to distort images of the HottHes. No need for thanks, the ArmHe deserves the best. Enjoy!

