Wednesday, 16 March 2011

♥ Helping Hearts ♥

Happy Wednesday!

I got an email today from one of my brides that said "I just heard your name on the radio!".  I was like WHAAAT? So it turns out that the little email I sent to the local paper (Red Deer Advocate) about this really awesome organization I volunteer for, was going to be turned into an article for the paper!!

I took a chance and applied to be a volunteer photographer for a non-profit organization, Helping Hearts, that provides photography sessions for families with sick children. I applied because I believe that if I have a gift, that I should use that gift to help people in need. We can be there to help families at a time when things are not so wonderful, but we can help to preserve those beautiful and precious moments with their children. I got an email a few days latter letting me know I have been accepted as a volunteer photographer! I was so thrilled to be a part of such an incredible cause!! They have photographers all over the country, so if you know of anyone who could benefit from this organization, please pass along the information!

I think it's a pretty neat article, mind you some facts were TOTALLY distorted. Like the 'fact' that my photography is a "hobby that developed into a pretty good living". LOL I don't even know where he got that from, and it's totally un-true! Which is why I have a full time job on TOP of that! But I think it's still awesome that they wanted to spread the word about this awesome resource.

Here is the article if you want to take a read (source):

Snapshots of life, for free

Red Deer photographer Ashley King takes pictures of weddings and musicians, and even snaps boudoir portraits for women who want to give their significant others a lasting memory of a moment in time.

It’s a passionate hobby that developed into a pretty good living, but some of her best work is still done for free.

“Photography is a huge passion of mine and the chance to help people is fabulous. If I was ever in the position where I had a sick child, I would hope these resources would be available to me,” King said on Tuesday.

King is one of three photographers in Red Deer who donate their time and skills to Helping Hearts, a charity started by two female photographers in British Columbia that provides free portrait sessions for families with children who have life-altering illnesses and disabilities.

The charity lets interested families choose between all available photographers, sets up the session and provides the photographic work for free. After the session, the photographers give the clients the photos on a disc, and an eight-by-10 print of their choice.

The challenge is to make sure the clients feel emotionally satisfied with the photographer’s particular methods, King said.

“Every photographer has their own style, so it’s important that the family feels comfortable and connected to the photographer.”

A growing demand for these professional photographic services has made King take to her website to spread the word about the new charity, and she hopes that other photographers in Red Deer and Alberta will think about volunteering for Helping Hearts.

“If there’s a chance for me to help out a family that is struggling with the pain of a sick child, you do what you can to help,” she said.

King also hopes that families in need will catch wind of Helping Hearts and get in touch with a passionate photographer like her, who understands the need to capture these pivotal moments in a family’s life.

“I know there are lots of sick kids in Alberta and Canada and we want to do more, we want to make sure their families have these memories forever.”

For more information on Ashley King and Helping Hearts, visit and

Pretty neat right?! :)

