Friday, 11 March 2011

FashionVIDEO by He...Take 1

Ladies and Gentlemen of the ArmHe, He is proud to announce the first of many videos to come from FashionVIDEO by He. Many people have been emailing He to start doing videos, and while He works on getting more videos, this one has nothing to do with Fashion, but whatever it has to start somewhere. YOU can now subscribe to FashionVIDEO by He on Youtube. He promises for better and more videos to come soon.

In the meantime though, why is it whenever He sees someone skateboarding does the person have a friend videotaping them? They never "land" the trick they are trying to do, isn't it just a waste of battery filming these people? Like learn to skateboard then He would ever consider wasting video footage of you doing some dumb ass trick. But to video tape these dudes doing the same thing over and over and never succeeding, seems insane.

P.S. If anyone knows a good video editing program He can use, let He know. He wants to be able to put a Fashion by He logo in the corner of these videos and whatever else.

