You may have guessed that I am in the midst of a 'sewing FRENZY' at the moment. I have started a beginners sewing class, bought myself a little machine and a mile of yellow owl printed flannel to make some pajama's. I am also quickly acquiring more fabric and patterns with grand plans of making the boy cute little clothes. I could quite possibly be nuts.
With my mind in a fabric cloud at the moment, imagine my glee when I came across this most beautiful sewing party planned and styled by Alexandra Frankel for her lucky little girl. How cool! A sewing party! I have posted some of Alexandra's gorgeous photo's here, but PLEASE go on over to her blog to check out the lot. Swoon!
Also, I loved Alexandra's great little tips included in her post:
"There have been a few things that I've learned after throwing these girls parties over the years, that I thought I would share with you because it isn't hard to do! Firstly planning ahead is huge in keeping your costs low. We started planning this party in December, just the 'concept' and that left us plenty of time to look for sales, and we didn't have to rush at the last minute to buy things...It also gave us plenty of time to cut and prepare the crafts and decorations so that we could save on not having to purchase them pre-packaged"
"And my best tip of all.... this year I was prepared enough to decorate and set everything up the day before, so that made the actual day of the party so much less stressful because I wasn't running around madly at the last minute, everything was already done, all we did was set out the food, hang the sign on the door, and wait for our guests to arrive! Brilliant right?? Gosh, why didn't I think of that sooner???"
I hope you loved the little sewing party as much as I did - and hey, these tips are more than a little fantastic too!
