Saturday, 19 March 2011

Applause to Lazaro for A Unique Wedding Dress Design.

Lazaro has managed to bring something into the wedding dress market that hasn't been done before!  Sometimes when I sit through fashion shows at the bridal market, too many of the wedding dresses look alike.  I've often wondered why some of the designers don't get an original thought.  I understand that its a numbers game, if the silhouette is selling, keep doing it.   But this dress is totally original..... I've never seen a skirt like this one.   And for that, I applaud Lazaro.  I've been a fan of Lazaro Perez since he was with the now defunct bridal house, Galina Bouquet.   He is also designing for Tara Keely. 

What makes this dress stand out from every thing else is the organza accordion pleated skirt.  It sort of reminds me of coffee filters fanning out.  The amount of work to figure out the skirt design has to be monumental, as they start out small and get larger as they flow into the skirt.  I'm not sure how this dress would look bustled, but I wish I had the opportunity to try and bustle it myself.  (That's the bridal seamstress in me coming out!)

The beaded belt is a work of art in itself.  I'm quite impressed with the cut of the back bodice, its low and sexy, yet cut to hide a bustiere.  When you've sold wedding dresses as long as I have, you look for features like that.  The cut of the back is super important for a great fit.   This dress ranks 10 stars for cut, fit and originality!

Lazaro Bridal Gowns, Wedding Dresses Style LZ3117 by JLM Couture, Inc.

Lazaro Bridal Gowns, Wedding Dresses: Style LZ3117

