Sunday, 13 February 2011


I am currently in Seattle, WA for a couple of photo shoots and to visit with some friends. I wanted to share some of the photographs I have taken for fun. What a neat city! I am loving it so far.

 The Space Needle looked pretty neat on the walk to Pike's Place Market

 Interesting juxtaposition in the figurine shop
 Delicious wedding items dipped in chocolate. The apples in the dress and cute.

 I went to the very first Starbucks. It was PACKED.
Neat graffiti 

My friend Colin is an excellent 3-d artist and game developer. Check out his site here. I like the bird "on his shoulder".
 The infamous gum wall.
 The fattest seagulls I have EVER seen!

Such a creative light randomly on the roof by itself.
