Saturday, 19 February 2011

Marie-Louise Asseu: Les infidèles/The Unfaithful

FESPACO 2011 WATCH:  Panorama TV/Video

Excerpt of an interview by Samuel Njakwa of Oka Bol during which Marie-Louis Asseu talks about what inspired her to make her first film. Translation from French to English by Beti Ellerson
My name is Marie-Louise Asseu, I am better known by the nickname Malou, I am an actor, director of the Limalé Festival of Côté d’Ivoire and hereafter, filmmaker. The fact that I have acted for a long time—I am actor for the theater—I came to the screen having rubbed shoulders with other directors at the national television. I thought that to be part of a profession is to involve oneself in whatever works in one's favor. I am an actor and festival director, it was necessary to add another string to my bow in order to satisfy my curiosity. So, I asked some directors if they would support me.

Synopsis of the film, Les infidèles/The Unfaithful

In Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, in the life of a couple where the wife is so devoted, everything seems to be going well. Though not completely since the husband is rather frivolous, collecting one mistress after another. Even the devoted wife's best friend runs the risk of falling into the trap of this predatory husband. This merry-go-round will reach a crucial threshold! So crucial that craziness eventually invites itself into the couple's life.

