Thursday, 10 February 2011

detail love: sweet treats and occasions for valentine's day

Here is a little inspiration for some sweet treats to create or pretty places to go with a loved one this Valentine’s Day.

Jam hearts and all things love... 

(Photography by Unknown and Jenny Cuerel) 

Picnic's and music... 

(Found via Jackie or Marilyn)
Kisses and Sugar Cookies...

(Found via Green Wedding Shoes and Love & Lavender
U + Me = Love...

(Found via Love & Lavender
Love in a field...

(Found via Stephanie Williams Photography)
I love pancakes...

(Found via Unknown and A Life Through the Lens)
Holding hands is true love...

(Found via Green Wedding Shoes and 100 Layer Cake)
Valentine ice-cream sandwiches...

(Found via Mint Design)
Lovely gardens and fairy-floss...

(Found via Lanalou and Unknown)
Hearts and hot chocolate...

(Found via The Sweetest Occasion) 

