Thursday, 27 January 2011

Lynne Lucente Floral Design - Wins the Bride Choice Award!

Here's a little good news I wanted to share with you all! Do you remember Lynne Lucente? She generously donated a floral wedding package to Wish Upon a Wedding back in November for their silent auction. I bid on, and won, that floral package....that was valued at $1265.00! I did a giveaway in November for the floral package. Well, I was just informed that Lynne Lucente floral designs was chosen to receive the Bride’s Choice Awards™ 2011 on Wedding Wire - this is her 2nd year in a row to be nominated - and win this award! This award recognizes the top 5 percent of local wedding professionals from the WeddingWire Network who demonstrate quality and service excellence in the wedding industry!
