Friday, 28 January 2011

the ears have it

I don't normally go for big glitzy earrings... but then, your wedding day is no normal day! My attention was grabbed by these elegant earrings from Design By Kara, I thought they looked expensive, kind of like something you'd see Keira Knightley or Natalie Portman wearing on the red carpet. But they're actually not expensive at all (yahoo!). I don't think anyone is pretending that they are 100% precious metal and gem, but I do think they look it. Judging by the over 500 (!) positive ratings in Kara's Etsy shop, seems like lots of her customers think so too. In fact, 100% of her customers were pretty darn pleased with their purchase and that says a lot to me. Most of Kara's comments seem to be along the lines of "They look even better in person! I can't wait to wear them on my wedding day!" and on that alone endorsement alone, I am excited to share them with you. I think the opal ones would look amazing with a 20's/30's vintage style dress! Something blue?

