Thursday, 20 January 2011

Crystal and Stephen got Married!

Congratulations to Crystal and Stephen, two of the nicest clients I have ever worked with! They had their official wedding ceremony this December in Richmond Hill, GA at the Richmond Hill United Methodist Church. Their genuine love for each other is clear. Thank you so much for letting me be a part of your special day! Truly.

 Crystal and Stephen love fishing together so Crystal made this fish hook with their wedding date to photograph with their rings! Love it!
 All of the bridesmaids wore boots because Crystal basically lives in them normally. A couple of the bridesmaids even borrowed boots from Crystal for the ceremony.
What beautiful ladies!
These groomsmen stepped straight out of a movie. 

 Stephen was thoroughly enjoying his "bridal" moment with Crystals accessories.
 Too cute.

 Stephen surprised Crystal with this gorgeous (and HUGE) ring during the ceremony!
Love this idea for guests to sign instead of a guest signing book.

 The Cupid Shuffle is my wedding reception guilty pleasure. Thank you to Katie, my awesome assistant for this shot.

