Monday, 24 January 2011

Amanda Wyatt events are coming to a town near you....

Throughout the year, some of the fabulous Amanda Wyatt stockists hold events to showcase the Amanda Wyatt 2011 Collection.

These are the up and coming events...find your nearest stockist and book your appointment to find your 'perfect' Amanda Wyatt gown...

Jan 29th : Sarah Louise Bridal, Glasgow
                All That Glitters, Guildford

Feb 12th: Charlotte Alexander, South Wales
                Special Daze, Widness

Feb 19th : Tonia Ann, Washington, Tyne and Wear

Feb 26th : Cariad, Cardiff

Our lovely stockists are looking forward to welcoming you to their boutiques. Book your appointments early to avoid disappointment.

For stockist information please veiw our website, Amanda Wyatt or the stockists' websites.

