Sunday, 26 December 2010

Speaking of deals...

Have you joined Groupon yet? If you haven't, you should! Even if you are not in the wedding planning stages this is still a great buying group. It is set up by cities (you can choose cities you don't live in - sometimes they get deals that are internet deals). They have a different deal every day and you can either choose to buy the deal or ignore it. They often have awesome deals for those amazing canvas photos (they do the pop art photos too, if you missed that post check it out here). The deal for today is TWO Shutterfly wall calendars for $20.00!! Essentially, this is a buy one get one free deal!


These would make an amazing gift for your parents, if you were just married...or if you have kids or just for yourself to organize yourself for 2011! If you purchase the deal you have until Feb. 15th to use it! Click here to join Groupon and purchase this deal...but REMEMBER you only have 24 hrs to purchase!! (yes, I will get a referral credit if you click on this link and set up an thank you!)

I have used Groupon to buy:

  • $40 of Edible Arrangements for $20 (I used them this year for my daughters teachers Christmas gifts)
  • $35 of fortune cookies from Fancy Fortune Cookie (online store) for $15
  • $39 for a 16"x20" Personalized Canvas Photo includes Shipping from CafePress worth $100
  • $15 for Patty's Cakes and Desserts (a local bakery that does cake balls!) worth $36
So you can can use Groupon for a lot of deals and steals! It's totally worth it!

