Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Party Perfection: two inspiring kids parties

Spent a LONG time last night trawling for inspiration for a birthday dinner party that I am working on at the moment, and typically, I found so much wonderful stuff that was completely unrelated to what I was looking for... I really have to sort out my 'inspiration filing system' - my internet bookmarks are just a little out of control....


Two of the little lovelies that I came across were these fantastic children's parties. Both have great themes, but I love seeing how different people interpret their themes and add just the most adorable touches.

First up is this bright and happy 'Very Hungry Caterpillar' birthday I came across on Party Perfect.

Isn't this cake amazing? The colours are so great

Hungry cookies

Coloured popcorn

Party favours.. I love the tags on the bag.

The second theme was a Woodland Party from Nest Design Studio. This seems to be a bit of a party trend at the moment, but no matter how many you see, they are all so different. It's fantastic.

Hangin' with his 'gnomies'... I love it!

I don't even know how she's made these toadstools but they look SO good.

Again, such bright happy colours... maybe that's what's attracting me to these great parties

So cute

And finally, how clever are these tea bags. The tags have been replaced with little photos. I think this is a fantastic and totally do-able way to personalise something that can otherwise look, well let's face it, a bit ugly.

Hope you liked these little gems. I should now get back to that dinner party. More to come on that soon.

