Sunday, 7 November 2010

And Now for Something A Little Different!

Anyone who knows me (and if you've never met me, this is moi and my super supportive husband and number one fan, Mr D) knows I can put my hand to many a pretty thing.

I can do traditional and current

and vintage and, well, current.

To modern and something a little different

I can do modern with a medievel feel (complete with hand embriodered Celtic Knotwork)

To theatrical (which includes hand embroidered bumble bees)
I've been doing this job for what feels like forever and I love it today as I did when I first started. I mean, who gets up every day and can talk weddings?
So, the rest about me.
I've been married to Mr. D, my soul mate, for 6 years this coming November and he still remains my prince charming after riding in and sweeping me off my feet.
My favourite book (apart from the piles of any magazine wedding related) is Susan Khalje Bridal Couture, which has many a well thumbed page!
I have a dog called Kassie,( a Native American word which means dresses in fur) a gorgeous little Cairn Terrier who pulls many a face and even sulks. I don't know who's worse, my youngest daughter of the dog!
I failed my dressmaking 'o' level on the theory side.
My first job was in pharmacy and it was when I was made redundant from that I took a part time job in a bridal shop. That soon led to a full time position where I found my love of all things romantic which leads me to where I am now.
I love vintage jewellery especially side tiaras and would love to wear something really pretty to go out in, but as my trips merely extend to Asda, I think I would possibly look overdressed!
What do I want from life? To make a difference and if that difference is to make someones dream come true then I have succeeded.
Today I read. You may never remember what someone said, you may never remember what someone did, but you'll always remember how someone made you feel.

