Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Rooftop Paris

I seriously wasn't expecting to feel sad as I was going through these pictures this morning.   But truth be told, I got a little teary eyed.   It is not the content, but really the context.    I felt the same way while I was up on the roof looking over the most beautiful city in the world.

This was my last day in Paris.    Yesterday, I brought you through the Galleries Lafayette which is so amazingly gorgeous with its stained glass cupola.     I have never seen anything like it.    Truly does make shopping a beautiful experience and not just a crappy trip through your neighborhood mall.  (I am not a fan of shopping malls.)

But I had heard that the rooftop of the Galleries Lafayette was not to be missed.   You have to trek up quite a few sets of stairs and weave your way to the top, but it is so worth it.     The door opens to an expanse overlooking this beautiful city.   See... I am getting teary eyed again.

There are so many wonderful spots in Paris to observe the city from.   The Eiffel Tower, Sacre Couer, the Arc de Triomphe.   All beautiful vantage points.     I like to think of the Galleries as a little hidden gem though.   A special spot of my own.    Before you think it is undiscovered, it is actually quite a popular spot, but I think its unique location sets it apart a bit.   Plus, it is free.  

I have a distinct memory of photographing a German couple up on the roof.   They were so happy in love and clearly enjoying their time in Paris.   It made me sad that I was alone, but at the same time, excited to start the journey home and begin my own life as part of a couple.     You see, part of this trip was about saying goodbye and preparing to move onto the next phase of my life.    I couldn't have asked for a better transition.

If you make it to Paris, please do checkout the rooftop views from the venue of your choice.    You will not be disappointed and it gives you a new perspective on just how lovely this city is.

From here we begin to say goodbye again and move forward.    Over the next couple of posts, I'll be highlighting some of my final days and sharing some of my early reflections.     Au revoir!

