Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Vietnamese Wedding Superstitions

Many Vietnamese (like most people in the world) to respect the beliefs and superstitions many.Some are practiced primarily due to a "there is nothing to lose if we comply" attitude while others are completely ignored because they seem quite ridiculous. Some Vietnamese wedding superstitions:

  • Brides should not try their wedding gown before the wedding day or the marriage will not come out. 
  • Knives and other sharp objects are said to be a bad choice for wedding gifts for this will lead to a broken marriage. 
  • arinola Donner (chamber pot) as a wedding gift is supposed to bring good luck to newlyweds. 
  • Altar-bound couples are accident-prone and should avoid long trips or traveling before their wedding for security. 
  • The groom who sits in front of his wife during the marriage ceremony will be a henpecked husband. 
  • If it rains during the marriage, it is synonymous with prosperity and happiness for the newlyweds. 
  • A flame extinguished on one of the candles wedding means one on which side the candle, will die before the other. 
  • Launch confetti rice at newlyweds to bring them prosperity throughout their lives. 
  • The groom must arrive before the bride to the church to avoid bad luck. 
  • Breaking something during the reception brings good luck to newlyweds. 
  • The bride must walk on the foot of the young man while walking down the aisle if she wants to suit her every whim. 
  • A bride who is on the pearls of her marriage will be a woman unhappy experience of many sorrows and tears. 
  • Dropping the wedding ring, the veil or arrhae during the ceremony spells unhappiness for the couple.

