Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Great Alcohol Debate & To Trash or Treasure

Last week, I introduced you to Crystal over at Dream Weddings on a Budget and filled you in about our cross-blog conversation.  I filled you in on my thoughts of a cash bar and now Crystal has put her thoughts on the subject out there.

It seems that we both agree that having a cash bar is rude.  You should never make your guests open up your wallets at your wedding.  Crystal made the point though, that there are some areas where cash bars are regional.  If you are in an area where your guests expect a cash bar, you definitely have a little more leeway than regions were it is not common.

To Trash or Treasure
The topic of this week's cross blog conversation is trash or treasuring your wedding dress after the wedding.  This has become a recent debate with the popularity of trash the dress sessions growing. 

So, my question to Crystal is - How do you feel about trash the dress sessions?  Or do you think that  the wedding dress is sacred and should be treasured?

