Sunday, 11 July 2010

Family wedding planning....I'm in LA!!!!

Wedding countdown has officially begun. I arrived in LA Friday afternoon, and already we have gotten so much done. All the details are now coming into place, and I can see this wedding coming together before my very eyes. It's all so wonderful. My aunt and uncle from India have arrived as well, and we have turned our house into a assembly line of craft working! I have realized today how joyous joint family living can actually be. It's something I never really understood before....and being that I grew up in the US, I thought the Indian way of "living together" under one roof was kind of strange. Well, today I got a dose of how wonderful it can actually be....

Our assembly line project: We have a "grand plan" for our table numbers....something I guarantee no one has ever done before. Since Saurab is a classical musician, it was very important to us to ensure that music and his beloved composers were all embedded into the wedding. So, each table is not a boring table number. Each table will be a composer, with quite a detailed description of who that composer was and "our" favorite pieces from them (I just hope no one asks me anything about them at the wedding.....yea, I'm not the pianist....I'm just marrying one :-) ). We were going to put them in frames and have them placed on the tables. Of course, I had to get it approved for "thematic consistency" by our decorator Fayaz. His response was "not a chance unless you have them encrusted in moss" ....after all we do have a nature theme going. Well,  not only have we added some moss, we have made these so beautiful these composer will be rising from their graves to be at our wedding! :-)

So, here was the assembly line of mom, my dad, kaka, kaki, Mahesh Uncle, and Sonal Aunty..SO much fun!!!! People who are attending the wedding - get ready to learn your composers!!!! Saurab's dream would be that people's "oooohs and ahhhhhs" turn into some interest and curiosity about these composers. I think he would get very emotional if he saw our guests writing down the names of his favorite pieces to go listen to.....hint hint!!! :-)

Our Quality Control Supervisor, Sonal Aunty...

. As my kaki says, they were all covered in "ghas" (grass) :-). I kept cracking up every time she called moss, grass! :-)  We got half way through today, but the final product looks awesome. I think we did Fayaz, our decorator, proud....

  ...And then we had some Kaki and Anjani papdi cutting for dinner...I think this is the moment I realized that this joint family living thing could be pretty neat!

