Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Women at the Cinema(s) of Africa(s) Residency

From the African Women in Cinema Vlog

In 2006, the Belgium-based GSARA, in partnership with the Media Centre of Dakar and the National School of Arts initiated the Cinema(s) of Africa(s) Residency to develop and promote documentary filmmaking in Senegal. In 2008 the Cinema(s) of Africa(s) broadcasting station was created in Dakar to ensure a Senegalese base for the coordination of documentary filmmaking residencies, and the subsequent broadcasting of the films that are produced.

Each year a three-month residency for scriptwriting and production of the documentary is held in St. Louis, Senegal. Founded on the idea that the participants share a common desire for the cinema, the Residency features three to four young Senegalese filmmakers who work alongside Belgian cinéastes and technicians.

During this intensive creative process, each filmmaker transforms her/his project from concept to realization. The main objective of the Residency is to bring the participants together in order to work collectively on their ideas and the production of their films; thus sharing the day-to-day experiences in the development and completion of their projects.

The films produced during the Residency are promoted and broadcast (on television, through DVD distribution and at festivals) in Europe by the GSARA and in Africa by the Cinéma(s) d’Afrique(s) Station in Dakar.

In order to engage with the public, during the three-week Screening Tour in Europe, the resident filmmakers are able to accompany their films in the theaters where they are screened and at festivals.

Among the attendees at the Media Center of Dakar Residency held in 2006, 2007 and 2008, five women participated and produced short films: Maïmouna Guèye: Destins croisés, 2006; Oumy Ndour: Njakhass/Patchwork, 2007; Marie-Louise Sarr: Chaîne alimentaire, 2008 (film not available for viewing); Aicha Thiam: Papa, 2006; Fatou Jupiter Touré: Surtout, souriez, 2006.

Film excerpts are in French or subtitled in French

Maïmouna Guèye: Destins croisés, 2006

Oumy Ndour: Njakhass/Patchwork, 2007

Aicha Thiam: Papa, 2006

Fatou Jupiter Touré: Surtout, souriez, 2006

The description of the GSARA Cinéma(s) d'Afrique Residence above is a French to English translation by Beti Ellerson.

GSARA Cinéma(s) d’Afrique(s) Website

