Wednesday, 23 June 2010

It's June Giveaway Time!

After blogging about the Banners and Bags from Funkyshique, I had a conversation with the store owner, Amanda, who generously offered a set of Gifty Bags for one of my blog readers! I decided to throw in a banner too - because I think they are so adorable! So here is the deal - this is a QUICK GIVEAWAY! A winner will be chosen on 06/30/2010....


  • You must choose to follow my blog PUBLICALLY! Visit Etsy seller Funkyshique and tell me what your favorite banner or gifty bag is
  • For a SECOND entry blog about this contest and leave an ADDITIONAL comment to let me know you did that with a link to the post (I will check!)
  • For a THIRD entry twitter about this contest and leave an ADDITIONAL comment to let me know you did that with a link to the post! You can find my twitter page here
BONUS ENTRY: Grab my Blog Button and add it to your page (leave an additional post with link to let me know you did this!) and get a bonus entry!

You have the opportunity to get 4 entries into this contest if you want to win! Yay!

This giveaway will end on: June 30th at 5pm EST and the winner will be posted shortly there after!

What you win: 1 lucky winner will receive a banner of their choice and 4 gifty bags from Funkyshique

Value of giveaway (including shipping to winner): Varies - based on banner selected!

This giveaway is open to US RESIDENTS ONLY!

