Thursday, 3 June 2010

Excuses, excuses... and butterfly cookies

I am in trouble now.

My husband is very close to banning me from baking.

Some women (apparently) when they start nesting they want to clean out cupboards, scrub the oven or do something similarly useful. What about me? Do I have the desire to dust architraves? Wash windows? Heck no! I want to bake. It's that simple.

The problem with the baking is that it is usually followed by eating. Now, while I might feel the size of a whale at the moment, I don't really want to let that be an excuse to eat an entire batch of choc-chip cookies (which I almost did). My husband, doesn't even really eat the stuff I make, a slice of cake, a bikkie or two but that's it.

When I was working, this desire to bake was okay. I could off-load the results to colleagues to much appreciation. But I no longer have that, and there's only so much you can bake and freeze for visiting guests.

Which brings me back to my original dilemma. I am in trouble. The last round in the kitchen got me a very stern glare and a "do we really need more cookies?" I don't think I can fool him with the freezer excuse for much longer.

So, I need a new excuse. Valid reasons to cook. I am grasping at anything I can! For example, it's my nieces birthday this weekend. Not only do I need to take something along with me for morning tea, but what an excellent opportunity to do up some more decorated sugar cookies as part of her gift?

Surely he can't argue with giving a cute three year old pretty butterfly cookies?

I'll gave it a try...

Again, the sugar cookie recipe came from Sweetopia and the icing from I am Baker. I did a range of searches for decorating inspiration and came up with these:
With this range of images in mind, this is what I came up with...

Now they aren't perfect, I know. I still need to get the consistency of my icing right. I don't think that I am making it thick enough so my outline is droopy and when I pipe with the different colours they start to meld together. But, nonetheless I am kinda proud about how they came out. What do you think?

