Wednesday, 2 June 2010

DIY Fabric Bunting

I saved this DIY project that I saw on Twig and Thistle (seriously, T&T is my DIY guru site!) and I thought I would share it.  I like the idea of making this for my future baby nursery, but it is also great for a baby shower, bridal shower, or party.  Since I don't have a sewing machine (or know how to use one), I haven't made it yet myself, but someday...

Materials Needed:
Sewing Machine
Pellon / Interfacing (single-sided as pictured, or double sided if you want two sides of fabric)
Rotary Pinking Cutter
Satin Ribbon
Coordinating Thread


1. Iron fabric to Pellon. Create a flag template from paper to desired shape. I made an isosceles triangle measuring 2.5″ wide and 4″ tall. Using your template as a guide, cut out each piece with rotary pinking shears. Trim off excess fabric at the top.
2. Once all the pices are cut out, line them up in the order that you’d like them to appear. I went for a random look but it helped to get an idea of where each flag might hang.
3. Leaving a little extra at each end for hanging, stitch each pice to the satin ribbon using a sewing machine. For flexibility I left half an inch between each flag. That’s it! Now you have a custom garland of your own!

