Monday 17 May 2010

A Lovely time was had by all.

Thank you to everyone who came out for my trunk show in New York last weekend, and thanks most of all to all the wonderful women of Lovely for hosting me! If you are in the New York area and looking for a wedding gown, I doubt there's a sweeter, more beautiful shop in the city for your special dress.

The boutique resides in an adorable brownstone in the West Village. It's the most relaxed, welcoming sanctuary for pretty dresses that you can imagine.
The staff is incredible. Store manager Cassandra, here striking a pose with some gowns, is loads of fun and brings a welcome sense of humor to the wedding dress search. Somehow I have no photos of Lanie, Lovely's owner and mastermind--she was probably too busy working her magic behind the scenes to pose for a photo op!
Everyone was extremely welcoming and the shop even hung a string of pennants spelling my name. What star treatment!
I was so happy to get the chance to meet some of the girls who are ordering my dresses! Kim and her mom took the train up from Philadelphia for the day. Kim chose "Ghost," full length. Mom also walked away with a one-of-a-kind dress I brought just for the was everyone's favorite so I had to steal it back for a quick photo before handing it over.
Okay, I'll stop gushing now. But seriously? What a nice trip. It was Lovely.
