Thursday, 1 April 2010

Picture Collages

I have a lot of pictures that I like to use in my posts - it makes it a lot easier to show all the fun things I like to write about! So, today I was checking out the different online collage software. I decided to download a free version of Picture Collage Maker and tried out a few sample collages! I like it! Anyone who is using collages for the wedding websites, save the date cards or scrap booking will find the user interface very easy! Check out this sample for how easy Save The Date cards would be:

Another easy thing you could use this for would be for making a story board - which is what I want to use it for when I am blogging about color specific items for weddings or for my give-a-ways I host. I am working on the April give-a-way now and I think having one photo of everything (because you can save the collage as a JPG file or print it out!) is a perfect way to show off the items! Let me know what you think when you see the give-a-way I have planned for April! My final note about this product is that you can download the trial version and if you like it and want to purchase the full version - if you have a blog or website and you talk about your use of the product they will send you a license to use the product for free! That's a nice deal! So get creative and have some fun....let me know what you will be using it for!
