Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Eco-Friendly Flowers

I found a pretty cool site for flowers I wanted to share with every one! Organic Bouquet is owned by Robert McLaughlin - he has been in the industry for over 25 years! Organic Bouquet is involved in several community projects around the globe and holds over 48 partnerships with charitable organizations.

They discuss these things in their About Us page but one of the things that really hit home for me was the issue they addressed in Kochi, India. It says: "In 2008, Organic Bouquet chose to address the issue of families working near the mills not able to afford to send both sons and daughters to school. Organic Bouquet agreed to purchase scrap remnants from the cotton mill where our sheets are manufactured and pay to have them sewn into bags that we use to package our sheets and other gift items. The agreement to purchase the scrap material produced enough funds to send 300 girls to school for the first time. We are proud to say that this project continues today. If you have purchased a product from Organic Bouquet and it arrived in a cotton  bag, you know you have helped educate a child." 

I really love that - I believe in education! And I am glad to pass on companies I find that actually do good! Way to go Organic Bouquet! If we support them, they can support others...and that is a good thing!

And now let me show you another pretty amazing thing about this company...check out these ROSES!

Talk about WOW! These roses come in 3 - 5 feet! I have never seen anything like this! Very impressed! There is a video clip of them from Valentine's Day on The View! They are amazing...and beautiful blooms!

