Wednesday, 17 March 2010

City Bride Photoshoot | Behind The Scenes

If you follow me on Twitter you may have seen me recently mention a photoshoot that I was organizing. The purpose of the shoot was to further define my brand and allow brides to learn more about my personal style. The shoot was a couple weeks ago but before I share the professional shots, I'd like to give you a behind the scenes look.

The shoot took place in an alley (behind an awesome stationery store) in the Third Ward. Really, it was the perfect location. While designing the tablescape I really kept in mind that I wanted to inspire brides with this look and remind them that their wedding can be anything they want it to be to. I also tried really hard to use elements that were realistic for most brides to obtain. Sure, the shoots that use huge hanging chandeliers are beautiful but not always obtainable.

The patterned linen was rented from BBJ Linen, the glassware and candle holders were purchased from various Good Will stores in the Milwaukee area, the florals were done by freshdesign and the dinnerware was purchased from Ikea.

Want to see a photo?

This photo was taken with my trusty iphone but the professional photos will be coming your way shortly...and please, don't pay to much attention to the random stuff in the background!

A recap of the shoot wouldn't be complete without sharing that I also had a run in with the law that day. Since we were going to be blocking one side of the alley I contacted the surrounding businesses and made sure it would be okay to setup there for about 2 hours, everyone was obviously fine with it since I wasn't going to be blocking both entrances. However, I didn't realize that above all of these businesses were some condos. So, right as we have are putting the final touches on the table (read: it's now not moveable) a lovely gentlemen pulls into the alley right by our table and becomes very angry. Like I said we weren't blocking both entrances, he just felt inconvenienced that he'd have to drive around the block. Anyway, I don't know for sure but I believe this lovely gentlemen called the Police. The Officer that arrived at the scene was very friendly and only asked that we be cleaned up in 20 minutes. I was so thankful that he let us finish our shots... and he even set up orange cones, making us look very official.

So, other than my little run in with the law, it was a great success. Thank you to all of the fabulous vendors that participated!!

