Friday, 26 February 2010

Favorite Friday

Favorite Fridays

Jen at A Girl in  Pearls started a meme called Favorite Friday.  She's post a topic every Wednesday and then on Friday you post your answer to the topic.  So I figured I would participate.

This Week's Topic: Favorite Vacation Spot


Even though I'm from Orlando, we still love going over there.  We love going to theme parks and never get bored with them.  At least once a year, we drive down to Orlando and go to one of the Busch theme parks because we get in for free for being military.  The past couple of years, we've made our way over to Disney too, which we love.  This year we're planning on making two trips.

The first trip will be in June for Jason's birthday.  We'll probably go to Animal Kingdom and maybe Sea World.  Then in November, we'll probably go to Magic Kingdom (when there's less kiddos) and then Universal. 
