Friday, 5 February 2010

The City's Best | freshdesign

I introduce to you freshdesign, owned by Sue Shunta.

1.How long have you worked in the wedding industry?
4 happy years!

2.Describe your style and approach.
We believe seriously that the process of wedding flower planning should be as fabulous as the end result. As a once in a lifetime event, all elements, including the planning process should be relaxing, fun and creative. So at freshdesign it’s important to us that a bride or couple’s time with us is just that. Our design style is clean-lined, simple and modern. We find this approach surprisingly versatile and have worked with clients who desire a minimalist approach, garden style or lush and luxurious flowers. The common denominator is thoughtful design that ensures that each and every element used has a purpose.

3.What sets you apart from other vendors in your expertise?
Milwaukee brides are lucky in that there are many talented and versatile wedding artisans all across the city. This keeps us on our toes! We hope to distinguish ourselves with a warm experience, impeccable design and attentive service.

4.What is your best piece of wedding planning advice for brides?
It is 100% true that if you make selections of things you love…. flowers, cake, linens etc your day will come together in an inspired, personal and gorgeous way. Trust yourself.

5.Just for fun, share something unique about yourself.
I have an unexplained affinity for cows. I find them soulful, peaceful creatures and have been known to stop the car next to a farm just to watch them graze.

Chat with freshdesign:
Ring: 414.467.4310

Sue, congrats on being one of The City's Best and thank you for sharing your talent and passion with Milwaukee brides!

