Friday, 22 January 2010

Wedding Registries

Happy Friday everyone. This week has been really crazy - lots of 16 hour work days. But, TGIF! I am so excited for this weekend, for no particular reason other than taking my mind off of work and back on the wedding! It makes it even nicer to see that some of you responded to my last post, either directly on my blog or on maharani weddings. It helps to know that someone is reading, and it's even better to know when others are going through the same choices and to hear their stories. So, keep commenting!

Today, I've been thinking about wedding registries. One cold Chicago Sat afternoon we went into Crate and Barrel just for fun and ended up going crazy with the registry gun. Weeks later, I've deleted everything from that list....because I realized we already have much of everything we need. Being that we're both in our 30's...we've individually collected the nice things that make up an essential house.....nice cookware, plateware, furniture, art, etc etc etc.

Since we both have two established residences that we are trying to merge....we need to purge rather than get more "stuff". We had a great idea - sign up for experiences that people can chip into....experiences that are meaningful to an interior decorator to help merge our "stuff" and make it look like a home, like a cool activity for our honeymoon, like a fund to crate a wine cellar that we've always wanted. We're trying to think WAY out of the box - literally.

This is, until, we realized that some people will inevitably bring boxed gifts no matter how large the "no boxed gifts" words are written on the invitation. So, back to Crate and Barrel for some level of a registry. But, I didn't want to go crazy with the gun again. After lots of thinking, I had to rely on my sources for this one...which led me to send this email to the women in my life who have turned great houses into great homes.....

"To my trusted married women who have created wonderful homes: 

The time has come where I need to start thinking about registries. You all have wonderful homes with things that I am sure you couldn't do without. I'd like some insight into what those things are. 

I am curious. As you look around your wonderful homes, what are the top FIVE items (things that can be listing of children) that you either.....

.....could not live without,
..... use on a repeated basis and think is essential to make any house a home.
.....think is one of the best indulgences that can (and should) only come through a registry (the kitchen aid mixer falls into this category for me!)
.....think was the best wedding gift ever

...especially as a working wife, and a working mother. And you don't have to limit yourself to the kitchen. Top FIVE."

The top 25 list that came back was no particular order....
1. Fine china and Ridel crystal
2. Kitchen Aid mixer
3. An upgrade to a better version of everything you already have
4. Gift cards
5. Everyday dining set
6. Simple Human hand soap dispenser (I love this one!)
7. A nice iron
8. Dyson
9. Gel pro mat
10. Slipat cookie sheet liners
11. Serving trays
12. Crock pot
13. Cookbooks (like this one too!)
14. Mandolin slicer (I'm not even sure what this is)
15. Nice tea kettle
16.Nice mixing bowls and prep bowls
17. Cereal bowls
18. High quality sheets
19. All Clad cookware
20. Keurig single serve coffee maker
21. Breville panini press
22. Electronic reader like the Kindle
23. Under cabinet TV/DVD player
24.Music system with wireless speakers for the kitchen
25. Extra seating - nice folding chairs

So, what do you guys think....what can you not live without that has made your house into a home?

Saurab's interpretation of the registry......yes, he tried to register for silly!

Happy Friday....have a great weekend!

