Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Wedding Planning 101 - Part 4

We left off on the Wedding Planning series with shopping for your bridal gown! I hope that any brides out there, who haven't yet found their gown, has had at least one shopping experience at a full service bridal salon! I have found a couple of sites online - and seriously have to throw out a word of caution right now! Two sites: Peridress.com and Usabridalretailer.com are companies in China who make replica dresses. They steal photos from manufacturers websites and post them on their sites with cheap prices. What it looks like to an online consumer is that you are getting THAT dress. The truth is, you are not! Please keep in mind that old say "If it's too good to be true, it usually is!" I think there are quite a few online stores that are reputable and you can easily do your homework if those sites are authorized to order the dress you want, from the manufacturer you have chosen. I just have to urge anyone who might come across this blog to PLEASE use caution - especially when you are ordering an item that is shipping from China, direct from a manufacturer.
 ::::jumping off my soapbox::::

Ok, so let's get back to our wedding plans! While you were at the bridal salon I hope your bridesmaids were able to find a dress, you checked out veils, headpieces, shoes, undergarments...boy there are a lot of things you need for just one day!

I think it's time for some FUN though! You need to get out there with your husband-to-be and REGISTER! We all know how much men love to shop! I guess there are some men who actually would like to do this - but when I was engaged I couldn't get my fiance to walk through a department store shopping for towels, sheets, candle holders or kitchen appliances. That was pretty much left up to me...and I had a great time. I think you should register at two places - minimum - and I also think you need to add a variety of items. I remember having a cow when I tagged a $300 pan set but, I did get it as a gift and I use them every night!

I know one of the things people really want to register for is money. I am one of those people who are not offended by that! Weddings cost a lot of money, many people are living on their own and have their needs met on those items and honestly, let's face it...cash is king! Everyone has different opinions on this topic and they almost always will. If it is something that might cause you more stress - because everyone will share their opinion on it - add it as an option! I love that they also have honeymoon registries. Just make sure if you go with one of these sites they do not take a fee! You can even set up your own online registry - thanks to sites like PayPal - they have a Gift option you can use now and you are not charged a fee on the transaction.

