Friday, 8 January 2010

Setting the Style Record Straight

Meghan: “Tell me about the style of your wedding”

Bride: “Well, my colors are tiffany blue and white.”

Meghan: “Okay, tell me about how you want your event to feel.”

Bride: “My colors are tiffany blue and white.”

Meghan: “What type of experience do you want to create for your guests?”

Bride: “My colors are tiffany blue and white.”

Does this conversation sound at all familiar? Unfortunately, my guess is yes.

I know that I may be over exaggerating just a teeny tiny bit with this conversation but as I mentioned before, brides have a terrible time describing their style. So, I am setting the record straight once and for all.

Your wedding colors do not define your style.

Sure, your colors are a clue to your overall style but they are not the sole indicator. The style of your event is about the feeling that you create for your guests and what they experience throughout the day. My best advice for you is to forget the colors and think about your wedding with a more sophisticated approach.

Creating an event that reflects you as a couple will go much farther than tiffany blue and white. Trust me.

