Sunday, 17 January 2010

Planning a Wedding 101 - Part 1 just got engaged! You've told all your family and are super excited and then the reality sets in that you have A LOT of work to do! Where do you start? Here are some ideas...
  • Buy a binder - the 3 ring type that you can add the sheet protectors in. You are going to need it!
  • Set the date! Once you tell people you are engaged they are going to ask "When is the wedding?" Unless you plan to get married right away it's best (for your wallet/sanity) to give yourself at least 6 months to a year to plan your wedding...although after a month or so of planning you might decide you just want to elope!
  • Figure out a budget! Are your folks going to help? Are you and your fiance doing it alone? This is my 3rd step because seriously once you start looking (and dreaming) you are going to have a thousand ideas going through your head! If you know your budget it will help keep you in check!
  • Set a realistic guest list. You are blending families - and each parent will most likely want Cousin Al and Aunt Sally, whom you haven't seen since you were 2 at your wedding! If your parents are helping pay for the wedding - believe me, they are going to want a say to who is invited - or not invited! But keep in mind this is YOUR day. Once you have a general idea of how many people you are inviting...
  • Find a ceremony/reception venue. I know a lot of brides are now looking a package places (where the ceremony and reception are at the same place) and this is a great idea for your budget. If you have your ceremony one place and reception at another it involves more costs (venue, transportation, transporting flowers, decorations, gifts, etc). Finding the place you are going to get married may also change your date...your original date could already be booked!
So, by now you have completed the 1st of 5 tasks to wedding planning! Exhausted yet? Well, maybe taking a breather would be a good idea about now...plan a night out with your fiance. You guys probably deserve it at this point! And NO WEDDING TALK.

