Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Inspiration Board: Down on the Farm

I came across the photo of the barn a while back and was inspired to design a wedding to take place in that beautiful barn!  Chandeliers and antique keys are two of my favorite things, but I'm loving the horseshoes too!

Top Row:  Chandelier and barn from Brides, Piano from Leigh Miller Photography, keys by Alisha Clark via Snippet & Ink Row 2:  pies from The Knot, envelope from Wedding Style Guide, cake by Jessamyn Harris, horses by Punam Bean,
Row 3:  Mini Pies from Wedding Style Guide, Chicken stationery from Bella Muse, apples from Rebecca Thuss via Snippet & Ink, rose from Ellen Silverman, stationery from Wedding Style Guide, Bottom Left:  horseshoes from Brides

