Friday, 15 January 2010

Drawing for our 1st Give-A-Way is tomorrow!

Have you entered our 1st ever give-a-way? The drawing is tomorrow!! I am so excited! I have been reading all your responses and I can not wait to find out who the lucky winner will be! This week we have been focusing on some interesting aspects to add to your wedding - and also thinking about practical, affordable ideas to incorporate into your special day! This leads me into our give-a-way for February! I need to hear from you brides - what is something you are dreaming about doing for your wedding - but not sure you can budget it in? My blog is about wedding gowns and all things weddings. I spend tons of research time - to make YOUR planning easier! Leave a comment and give me never know...maybe that dream item will end up in one of our give-a-ways, with YOU as the lucky winner!

