Monday, 25 January 2010

Advice for Initial Consultations

Brides are typically nervous when they first begin meeting with potential vendors. I don't completely understand it but it's true. This should be an enjoyable time in your planning process and I don't want you to feel anxiety, so here is some advice.

1. Be calm. We understand that planning a wedding is stressful but we want to know that you are organized and can deal with {at least a little} stress. If you are calm the discussion will flow naturally and we will be able to learn much more about your wedding and your expectations.

2. Have a clear vision. Before you attend an initial consultation discuss with your fiance (and maybe family) the level of service you are seeking. It is always uncomfortable when surprises arise in conversation and someone doesn't know what is going on.

3. Have a budget. For some reason discussing money always seems awkward. I've been there, I know. However, this is no excuse not to discuss a budget before meeting with a vendor. We can't even begin to help you find the best service if we don't know how much you can spend. By the way, no matter what anyone says no {respectable} vendor is going to charge you more just because you tell us you have a large budget. We will charge you what the service is worth.

That's it! Pretty simple, huh?

Keep these few tips in mind and I promise you will feel more comfortable when you meet vendors!

