Wednesday, 6 January 2010

2010 Plans

I posted about my resolutions last week, but I know I never stick to resolutions.  So, when I saw these 2010 Plans on Miss Pug's blog, I knew I had to fill it out.  So here you go, my 2010 plans.


One thing I will learn:  How to manage money better.  I'm great at saving money, but a lot of the time, I'm not sure where my money is going.  We need to start saving up for a house and the best way to do that is to create a budget.

One place I will go:  Mexico

One physical habit I will break: Waiting 6 months between hair cuts.  I always complain about my hair being so frizzy, but it gets like that because my ends are so split.  So, I'm going to start going every 2 months to get my hair cut so it always looks nice.

One physical habit I will cultivate: Being more active.  I need to start incorporating more workouts into my schedule. 

One mental habit I will break: Thinking of myself as too fat.  I could easily lose the weight if I put my mind to it.

One mental habit I will cultivate: Sticking to my goals. 

One relationship I’ll repair: My best friend from high school.  As soon as she dropped out of high school, we stopped talking because we had different set of friends.  I would really like to reconnect with her even though we've gone separate way.

One work habit I will change: Find a job!

One thing I’ll throw out: Pants that don't fit

A second thing I’ll throw out: Unhealthy food in my cabinets

One thing I’ll eat more often: Vegetables

One thing I’ll eat less: Chick-fil-a

One thing I’ll drink more: Water

One thing I’ll drink less: Sweet tea

One overdue e-mail I’ll send, or overdue phone call I’ll make: An e-mail to my officiant to figure out our ceremony.

One resentment I’ll get over: I can't think of anything right now.

One person I’ll treat more respectfully: J.  He treats me so good and I ask way too much of him.  I've just been in a slump lately by not having a job and I'm taking it out on him.

One thing I’ll spend less money on: Eating out

One other change I’ll make in my finances: Making a budget and sticking to it.

One thing I’ll spend less time doing: Stressing about stupid things

And a thing I’ll spend more time doing: Spending time with J.  When we're home, we both sit at our computers.  I would love to cuddle more and watch TV together.

