Thursday, 17 December 2009

2 Giveaway Winners

Here are the results of the first two giveaways.  There are still plenty of others to enter though guys!

First, the winner of the $25 giveaway is The Flip-Flop Bride who said:

I really like all of the candle favors. And the lucky elephants.

Congrats girl!

The winner of the wedding sandals is Miss Pugs who said:
AND... I'm loving the "I DO" ornaments as my fave thing on the site...we have like, zero nice ornaments and I need to start collecting some!

I love Miss Pugs site.  She's also a March 2010 bride.

I definitely recommend you go and check out the blogs of both these ladies.  I will be emailing both of you and you have 24 hours to get back in touch with me. 

Good luck everyone on the rest of the giveaways!

